Herne Bay station Access for All improvements

As part of the Department for Transport’s nationwide Railway Access for All strategy, we are installing two new lifts, and a new footbridge at Herne Bay station to provide step free access between the platforms. 

In partnership with the DfT, this £6 million scheme will make the station much easier to use for passengers with limited mobility, with luggage, bicycles and pushchairs. Work began at the end of November 2023 and is expected to be completed in the winter of 2024. 

What work is taking place? 

The work includes  

  • Installation of a new footbridge 
  • Installation of two lifts with a 16-person capacity  
  • New CCTV cameras  

The existing subway will still be accessible to the travelling passengers and will be retained following completion of the scheme.  

When is the work taking place? 

Work began at the end of November 2023 and the majority of work will take place Monday to Friday during daylight hours from 07:30 – 18:00, however there may be some occasions where work will take place overnight or during weekends when trains are not running. We expect the works to be completed in winter of 2024. 

How will this work affect me? 


The Access for All project at Herne Bay station will have no direct impact on train services. Any work that we need to do while trains are not running has been scheduled for times when trains were already planned not to run during line closures of the railway. Up to date travel information is available at National Rail and Southeastern Railway.

Residents and stakeholders 

Residents and stakeholders will be updated as the work progresses and if additional works need to be undertaken outside of normal working hours.  

What changes will I see around the station during the project?   

We will be installing hoarding on both platforms to segregate our works from passengers. The station will remain open, and the works will not affect how you currently access the station or the platforms.   

How will this project impact the roads around the station? 

There will be some construction traffic during the main works. To get a new power supply to the station there may be some traffic management installed through the high street by UK Power Networks.  

Will this impact the station car park? 

Yes. We will be suspending some parking spaces along our site compound and two taxi parking spaces for the duration of the project. 

How will businesses near the station be affected?  

We will endeavour to minimise the impact of our work on nearby businesses. However, we anticipate that these works will not affect the businesses. 

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