Our Health and Safety vision
Everyone home safe every day
Whatever the role, and however experienced any individual is in working with us, there’s one health and safety vision we are all required to share. Everybody has a responsibility to behave safely and challenge unsafe behaviours and conditions when we see them. This underpins our promise to safely transport more people and goods where they need to be on time, every time.

Safety into practice
Our Lifesaving Rules address the 10 most common causes of injury and loss of life on the railway. Establishing these behaviours sets expectation for our employees and contractors, drawing on our overall values of being accountable, collaborative, challenging and customer-driven.
They support our broader safety vision and our targets in eliminating fatalities and serious injuries to our workforce, and always identifying and reducing any risks to passengers that may exist throughout our infrastructure.
We expect every individual to comply with the Lifesaving Rules and emergency procedures, acknowledging their personal responsibility, reporting what they see as unsafe acts and to ensure they are ‘fit for work’.
Safety in leadership
Leaders and managers drive open and honest conversations around safety, applying our Trade Union-agreed model for the investigation of any incidents and the learnings made possible by them.
Anyone involved can be certain of support and fair treatment from their managers, who ensure the appropriate response and actions are taken for all parties.
Measuring performance
We believe that business and safety performance are one and the same. Safety is actively used as a tool with which to guide and instruct performance. We’re always reviewing, analysing and learning from our performance, collaborating with our stakeholders and recognising the value they can add in continuously improving our safety practice.
Skills training is delivered at all levels within our workforce to ensure expertise is up to date with the latest, safest methodologies, and contributing to strong safety performance.